Category Archives: Random Writing

Paranormal activities – Minneapolis – City Pages

Paranormal activities – Page 1 – News – Minneapolis – City Pages.

Will and Brady, TCPS

Just felt like I should reblog this for Olivia from City Pages, she was an absolute delight to have with us on this investigation. This being both of our first “official” investigations it truly is a blessing to have it recorded in the City Pages here in my home town.

Groupons are delightfully evil

My Facebook status yesterday was simply “Groupons are delightfully evil.” Now why would I be struggling with a love/hate relationship with Groupon? It’s because yesterday while drooling over cheap all inclusive vacation deals to Jamaica, I stumbled upon the Now Deals Page. Seems innocent enough, lots of great deals for restaurants, auto shops, gyms, boot camp……and even some salon deals…

Which led me to the craziest and most liberating decision I’ve made in regards to landscaping in 10 years…

$35 for a Brazilian or Manzillion at Wax Kitten.

It seemed like a good idea all the way up to printing the certificate…and then panic set in. I’ve had my legs waxed in the last few years, I get my eyebrows waxed on a consistent basis, but nothing is more invasive than a Brazilian. And how much could it have changed in the 10 years it has been since my last one? And rather than post on Facebook “Hey gals, screwed myself into getting a Brazilian, any tips?” I did what any other sane female american would do and turned to Google. As tempting as it was to click on the various “My First Brazilian” YouTube videos, I steered clear..knowing it would only add to the anxiety.

Most the sites I found were the basic information that at least eased my anxiety enough to know that it has only improved in the last 10 years. I didn’t have the option of topical numbing cream back then. That alone seems legit. But beyond being informative, I found the site linked below to set my fear at ease.(Even though I’m still totally making a girlfriend come with)

20 Tips For A Great First Brazilian Wax Experience!.


The Reverse Titanic @RayWJ

Disclaimer: Rated R(edneck) for the eloquent usage of the F word

This truly is “How Not to Pull Your Truck Out of the Ice”


Ok ok….I seriously just had a minor freak out! I’ve been going through ultimate guild withdrawal. Not only am I hearing the voices of The Guild characters while talking to my alliance in Dragons of Atlantis but have also resorted to re-watching the past 5 seasons (too many times to honestly count) So here it is my friends…


I ❤ Felicia Day